Laundry Energy Savings Tips

Load up on these energy-efficiency tips for your laundry routine.


  • To conserve water, wash full loads, but don’t overload the washer.
  • Use hot water only when necessary.
  • Wash clothes in warm or cold water.
  • Rinse clothes in cold water for easy energy savings.
  • Pre-soak when washing heavily soiled clothes rather than washing twice.
  • Insulate water pipes.
  • Repair leaky faucets.
  • Insulate your water heater with an insulation blanket.
  • Set your water heater temperature at 120 degrees or less.
  • Fill your clothes dryer, but don’t overload it.
  • Clean your clothes dryer filter after each use.
  • Try to load your clothes dryer with a mixture of both heavy and lightweight items.
  • Upgrade to Energy Star appliances for your washer, dryer and water heater.
  • Take our free home energy audit to get personalized energy efficiency tips for your home.