Beaches Energy Recognized for Electric Restoration Efforts in The City of Plaquemine in Response to Hurricane Delta
Beaches Energy has received a national commendation from the American Public Power Association for its support in electric power restoration efforts in The City of Plaquemine, Louisiana.
In October 2020, Beaches Energy sent crews to assist the City of Plaquemine Power and Light, which suffered widespread outages as a result of Hurricane Delta.
The crews restored power to hundreds of customers by replacing downed power lines and damaged poles and transformers, trimming trees and rebuilding an overhead line.
“We are so glad to have been able to send crews to help people in Louisiana affected by the hurricanes this year.” said Wayne Hughes, Construction and Maintenance Supervisor for Beaches Energy. “Thankfully, the damage was not as bad as it could have been.”
Beaches Energy participates in the American Public Power Association’s Mutual Aid Network, which coordinates with utilities and authorities during widespread power outages.